Parker's E-Mag
Quote of the Month "You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do."
(December 8, 2009) Here's Santa, from the Parade, and find more photos on the photo's page if you like parades or just want to see a little more of what Charlotte, NC is like through it's marching bands and business I can't believe people go shopping in the middle of the night...But they do, this was taken at 2.22am. We did try to find a cruise to take for the weekend and never managed to succeed at that but we found a cruise for the next weekend, updates to come really soon with the cruise pictures and info. My most enjoyable cruise so far. No news up date this update, just the catch up entry. News up date will come with the Cruise info.
(November 25, 2009)
(November 18, 2009) Why waste a weekend to just get married? Who would do that.....certainly not Leonard, it's not his style. So Saturday was the wedding and Sunday was his college graduation! He had no control over the graduation date but he did make it. He and Shawn, both graduated the same Network Security Specialists diploma program November 8, 2009. It was really kind of them to arrange a wedding and two graduations on the same weekend to save us all that travel time. The two boys wouldn't pose for grad pictures, so I had to settle on taking them when they posed for their friend to get some...Len, Diana (thank you for getting them to pose), and Shawn. I did get a few of them single. Click for Len in his Robe and Shawn in his robe. A good news weekend for the most part. Read more in the News and find the rest of the Graduation pictures here, on the photos page.
Well I made my second Michigan State game! Robin has been going to Detroit once a year to meet up with friends, Ron Leon and Joe Smith (who is kind enough to invite us each year) for a fall game. No wonder American's love their football, the games are such fun. This is my second time having the chance to go along (I went along in 2007), and it was a great game again. Close and not won until the last 2 seconds. With only 4 minutes left in the final quarter it was 9 to 6 for Iowa, scored via field goals with no touch downs. It looked like it would surely end this way. But as we left we heard the roar of the crowd when Michigan scored a touch down, pulling into the lead. The lead looked like a sure win with less then a minute of the game to go but with 2 seconds left on the clock, Iowa scored a winning touch down and took the game, continuing their undefeated streak. Good close game to watch. This years game had Joe, Ron, Robin, myself and two new people to meet, Joe's nephew Kyle (in the picture behind Sparty with me), and his friend here.(I can't remember his name, *pouts*). I've put up a photo album on the photo page with all the game shots and other pictures from my fall Canada visit.
(October 2009)
(October 30, 2009)
I am making the best of time when I'm not needed. Robin came up for the Thanksgiving weekend and turkey with his family. I have had the chance to see both grand children and I had my first overnight visit with my 9 month old grandson. Tons of pictures, of course, to add to a Thanksgiving photo album of the grandson (Lerato) and granddaughter (Alida), Natalie and JP, who are growing up so much, and then I have been trying to get some nice fall shots too. There is thanks giving dinner pictures also. I went to Ball's Fall's on Saturday with Robin where we happened on the annual Thanksgiving festival. I was hoping for some great fall colours but they're not quite full yet. I did get a few nice pictures of the falls though. I also found out that Danny Pollock (my favorite jeweler), sells at this festival. This was particularly good news. I usually get a pin each year at the EX and this year I had missed him with all the people we had to meet I hadn't the time to go pick one. I got three new ones. One is for my mother's birthday that comes up really soon. After the falls we headed to the Niagara region wineries to check out wine for Len's wedding but we weren't very successful on finding what we were looking for. Wrong time of year to get a bargain. The grapes are hanging on the vines with the promise of a good year. This weekend I hope to get back to Ball's Fall's or somewhere similar to get some fall colour pictures. I have a Murder Mystery train ride on the Waterloo Central Railway planned for Thursday night with my son, Shawn, as part of Kitchener, ON Octoberfest celebration. I may get some interesting pictures from there. The Waterloo Central Railway looks like a very nice little train ride. That sounded like good fun,though I can't convince him to dress up. I may yet add a train link and review small run trains near places I travel. Well that's it for now, lots to come next update, including a news update on Ball's Falls conservation area, Waterloo Central Railway, and the Niagara on the Lake wineries if I get back to them next weekend.
I also hope to do a camera review on my newest addition, a portable Canon powershot SX110. I have had issues getting this, but the picture quality so far, is worth all the trouble. I hope to put this one in Features. I will have to be busy next week getting these articles up.
(Sept. 3, 2009)
(Aug 29, 2009) In spite of forecast rain for the entire day, the response to our invite was over whelming. Len, Jenny, Lerato and Alida (both grand children); Lillian (Robin's Step mom at one time), Stephanie (half sister) and niece (we had never met), Willow; John, Melanie,Amanda, Jeff, JP and Natalie, Josh (adult nephew, we all love), and our niece, Ashley (her first time to the EX, at 17). We go to the Ex every year but this is the most we ever had come for a day. Nice to have the Face Book connection to make such an event possible and easy. Any that wanted to come along just signed and said they would meet us at the fountain at 11am. The weather, in the end, cooperated also, it quit raining before we arrived and never rained another drop. I have uploaded a new photo album to the photo page, where you'll see all the fun, and I'm adding an article of the day to the news page also. What a great time, the only down was Robin's mom was too ill to make it this year and was missed.
(Aug 13, 2009, 2009)
No update today, but I saw this video posted on Facebook and it only made sense to put a copy here. It should be on TV. It's fitting after what happened to Robin in May. We were very lucky he has just returned to work after 9 weeks off. It could have been much worse. So spread the word, it could be your family you save.
(Aug 6, 2009, 2009) Well my updates were getting to be too long and have more to read on the main page they my original plan, so, this is it. Short bi-weekly updates, unless nothing is going on, will be done! Well honest, I hope to do it that way. With News Page updates for the larger articles when I've been on interesting or extended trips. I'll be sure to post the links if the News Page or Photo Page has been updated.
(Aug 5, 2009) I was chatting with Shawn on line last month while he was waiting for Len to pick him up to give him a lift somewhere and I told Shawn, he should talk his younger brother into just dropping everything and heading south for a few days break. I really didn't expect Leonard to go for it, but his significant other was away for a few weeks summer holiday with the baby, and there was a chance. So after chatting on the 14th of July, Shawn called the next morning to say they were on their way down. The boys stayed for a week. We managed to get them out to Myrtle Beach for a swim, then up to Wilmington for a tour of the USS North Carolina. I spent my time enjoying their company and didn't take any pictures at the beach . Too bad, we had some great waves and we all played in the waves for a couple hours on the day we went out. There is nothing like a swim in the Ocean on a hot breezy day. Waves pools really don't cut it. You'll find a USS North Carolina photo album on the Photos Page.
(August 3, 2009)
Three month's is so much to cover. We made it out to Maxton the weekend before Robin was hurt to catch up with the Snart Race Team. They weren't racing but out to the track for a meet and greet. We enjoyed dinner with our friends in Maxton and we ordered a palm tree for our yard on the way out. We ran the new bike up to Cherokee for the July 4th weekend and caught the fireworks there. Robin discovered he needed a lower seat at this point and has installed both seat and lower shocks now. The ride was also a bit much for Robin's recovery, we had to stay an extra night so he could recoup enough to drive home. We have been up to Canada twice, and bought Leonard his first car. Leonard finally found reasonable insurance so he could afford to own a car. We promised him a car (for never smoking) when he could insure it and we found a great deal on a 2003 Neon with under 10,000 km, so he's the proud owner of a safe vehicle to get him and my grand children around. Since Robin returned to work we've made a couple more trips. Last week old friends were heading to Washington, DC for their holiday. Robin had a day off midweek (new mandatory day off from his work), so we took the drive up to meet Grant and Donna for a day of sight seeing. Grant and Donna aren't just any old friends, they were neighbours and great friends from Ontario, the kind of friends that already fill old photo albums from previous vacations and dinners. We hadn't seen each other in around 8 years. We stop in now and then when we go north but last time we had tried to stop by they had moved! We found them on facebook and they just happened to be heading down so we met up in Washington. Don't miss the video clips of the Air Force Drill Team. Read more and see the pictures in The News and don't miss the 3 videos of the Air Force Drill Team putting on a great show. That's all I can fit in this update. Be sure to view the The News for the full stories on New Orleans and Washington, along with the Photos Page for the new uploaded photo albums.
(May 8, 2009) So, from our Easter visit, head South East, far east. We were off to Norfolk, Va. This was instead of Denver's job. The plan was 4 days in Norfolk, then Friday, we were meeting a friend from Ontario who was heading to Avon, NC for a week of windsurfing. Apparently, Avon, NC (it's along the Outer Banks, on route to Hatteras), is one of the best flat water windsurfing spots in NC. Great winds in protected waters when surfing on the protected (non-ocean) side. It's also a hot spot for kiting, which I was hoping to get a lesson in, but since we were only there a day, and not the weekend, I could only take pictures this time. Being so close to Virginia Beach, Robin and I and the fellah's he was working with in Norfolk headed out to Virginia Beach a couple evenings. This is a great spot for seafood (MahiMahi's is my favorite), scenery and a nice walk. Robin, Paul and Mike, making sure they are holding up the ball
(April 7, 2009) Well we had a surprise call from Caesar's Casino last Friday and they gave us a free weekend in Atlantic City. This included the flight from Charlotte Airport and the hotel room for the weekend. We had nothing planned and this was just the perfect, inexpensive get away. While we waited for the flight to depart, we received word that Robin's job in Denver has been postponed and had to cancel our flights and hotel reservations. That is a huge downer, not only does not being able to go ski a few extra weeks hurt, but it really smarts that it cost us $150.00 to transfer the air miles back to our account so they could be used at a future time. The free flight isn't always free.
That's all for this short update. You can read and see more In THE NEWS. It appears we won't be going to Denver, but on the upside, we will now have time to make it up North for Easter this coming weekend and get to visit the grand kids and kids. Next week will take us to Norfolk on the return trip for Robin's work, instead of Denver, so who knows what interesting things might happen then. Till the next update!
(March 31, 2009) In the past couple weeks we also made it out to Myrtle Beach to meet up with my sister and her family, who were there for March Break. March break happens to fall over Robin's birthday so we all went to dinner at The Rioz . Robin was thrilled when the staff came and sung to him, below. The Rioz is a must go to restaurant when you're in Myrtle Beach or Charleston, SC. It's pricey, but the fantastic service and Brazilian Grill style is well worth the price. More on the day in Myrtle Beach in The NEWS, with pictures of the nieces and nephew and my sister and her husband, of course. Well, yet again, it's not to be our last day skiing either. We fly out to Denver, Co in April for 3 weeks. I'll be picking up an end of season ski pass from Arapahoe Basin, which stays open until June. When Robin's working I'll be able to enjoy my days on the ski hill. We should also make it to Vail, Co, for the closing day on April 19, 2009. So, away I go -- Next Update, May when I return.
(March 10, 2009)
Yesterday we couldn't decide whether to ski for the afternoon at Sugar Mountain (where it was going to be 65F) or golf near home where it was 80F. Unfortunately, our rather warm weather (80's is high for this time of year), is going to drop off after today to the 40's, which is 20+ degrees colder then it should be this time of year. We'll be back in the 60's next week, but it's the 70's I'm waiting for. Today I will be getting the bicycle out, taking it for a spin at the near by trails and making sure it's in good shape for the new season. On a side note, we choose to golf yesterday. Both of us played a really good game, must have been the weather.
I know, it's snowed before here, but not this much. I returned from Vail to cooler then average temperatures, yet still mild, 50ish all week, and then this dump comes as reminder of what we flew out of a week ago.
Check out the big flakes of snow in the flash shot here. I've never seen it come down like this here. Usually it's hours of very light snow in cold temperatures to accumulate a trace. This is all grass covered. Hours of heavy rain switched to this snow around 6pm as the cold mountain air moved into the lowlands. The next morning shot shows the back yard as it's starting to melt yesterday. We will be back up to 70F by Saturday and over 60F by Thursday, so the snow will be gone soon enough. While I'm updating; do go check out the new photo page. I've installed a new photo album program and totally updated the page. You'll find all the great shots from our trip to Vail last week Vail was awesome, definitely had a great trip. I am pleased I dedicated myself to my trampoline for 6 weeks prior to heading to Vail.
(Feb. 11, 2009) Well my mom and dad made it to visit a couple times this year. Above is my mom, here in August when Robin talked her into
a spin around the block on the motor bike. I sent her home with that picture as an 8X10. At two months shy of 74 there's
something to be said for taking your first motor bike ride. They made it up to the mountains with us during the August
visit and we captured this rare touching moment with my parents. Nice to see my mom getting out still. Her Arthritis is
Taking Alida to Disney was another high light of the year. When she saw her hero Cinderella, it was all we could do to keep her in line until it was her turn to talk. Cinderella has Alida wide eyed and enthralled. The other princesses were okay and she chatted with them also, but they couldn't hold a candle to Cinderella. She was exhausted at the days end, but had a great time. There was so much to a year it'll all be in pictures next week. There's trips on trains, trips to Carowinds, trips to the beach. Cruise December 2008 was fun and I'll do a full article on it in the news. Catching up this year is going to take me year! Okay, I promise to have it caught up with all articles in place by the end of this month. The catch up will include high lights of Vail and possibly another main update here.
(Nov.28, 2008) Alida didn't want to head in to the chalet at all, just wanted to stay on the hill. With a few inches of fresh snow and an unbelievable base of snow for November in Ontario she got her first taste of skiing. She learned to make her first turns on the same hill I learned on 30 years ago at Mount St. Lois/Moonstone. So much fun.
(June 19, 2008)
(Sept. 9, 2007) Well another summer past and I don't know where it went to. I just can't believe how short the summers are here in Canada. As I said earlier, I'm up here on a work contract until January and now I've decided to stay for another two years and go back to college yet again. Some of you will remember I returned and did an electrical program in 2003. Now I've decided I would be much smarter to get a diploma in something I actually I'm returning to Georgian College for the Winter semester start of the 2 year Business Accounting Diploma program. I've arranged to stay with my mother in law for the duration and I can do the program in 4 consecutive semesters so I will complete in Summer 2009. One and a half years seems so much shorter for some reason. This being done, summers up here are way too short. I've been so spoiled the last two years running down south in September and enjoying summer like weather until the end of November. To have it ending in September just seems all too soon. I am looking forward to skiing though and will be buying a ski pass for Blue Mountain, Collingwood. I'll have the opportunity to teach my granddaughter to ski.
(July 4, 2007) Dad (Leonard) really disliked the idea but mom handed her over willingly until April when she finished up her semester of courses. That takes me until April answering all they "What have you been doing?" questions. We did tons with her; I'll post pictures in January 2008. Yes, I really said January 2008. You see, after taking her back home in April I did some extensive traveling with Robin for work, then went back to Canada and picked her up again for another two weeks. We swam and had fun every day and when I was about to head home with her and drop her off; my work (old job I do contracts for) called and asked if I would fill in for six month's in Canada (brrrr, that takes me to January) for a co-worker who needed an extended medical leave. Seems a good idea right now to take that position while we work on purchasing a home. Oh yea, that's another story I'll fill in details in January on. By then I'll hopefully be in that home, but stuff happens so I never count on such things until they happen. I will, as usual, keep my camera handy, takes lots of pictures, and when I get back home in January, do a true update with a year to fill in on the most major happenings. Until they, no updates are likely, but feel free to check every few months, since things are always prone to change.
This MonthUpdates - August 6/09 New Movie Reviews - Julie and Julia, Star Trek, The Proposal Photo Album - Added CNE 2009 Daily Horoscope - It's in Entertainment IN THE NEWSWashington with Grant and Donna - Great time. So awesome to meet up with old friends, and Shelby, you're not 2 any more! 4 Days in New Orleans - What a great get away. We escaped for 4 days and 3 nights to New Orleans. Atlantic City Weekend - Caesar's invited me for the weekend, free flight for two, free rooms and most meals free. Well it's never really free, but it was nice. March Break, 2009 - Katrina and the family come to Myrtle Beach. Wintergreen, VA , Closing Day, 2009 - A day at Wintergreen Ski hill, and we thought ski season was over. Summer 2007, wow - Catch all the up to date news on who did what, and the latest pics. New York City New Year - Happy New Year 2007! Wow Vegas, A Modern Wonder - What a birthday. Richmond & Portsmouth, VA - What a weekend it turned out to be. Len and Jo-anne Graduate- Definitely the highlight of my year was these two making it to graduation! S.N.A.R.T. Group of Racers - Fun weekend, details in the news. Natalie and Jay at Disney - A surprise visit to Florida for my niece and nephew, details here. Holiday July 2005 - Rockford and Chicago highlights from 2005,click to go right to the story. Skiing In North Carolina - Yes, there really is skiing here! See pictures, links to hill sites and more. Click to read. Cruising the Caribbean - Nice cruise pictures and details. Fit and Forty - How I did it! |